Reliable Diagnostics


All testing and diagnostics are sent out to laboratories to ensure accuracy and reliability. Here are a few of the things we test and monitor on your pet: 

  • Fecal / Stool Check: This is a microscopic exam of a pet’s stool to check for intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, coccidia, and giardia. Many of these parasites can infect humans so it is important to check for and treat these parasites.
  • Heartworm Blood Test: This is a blood test that takes a few drops of blood and runs in a matter of minutes and checks the blood for protein particles that come from the heartworm parasite. It is very important to make sure your pet is neg for heartworm disease before starting on heartworm prevention. 
  • Puppy / Kitten Blood work: This is a mini-panel of blood work to check the basic red & white cell counts, platelets, blood sugar, liver and kidney levels. This test is important at a young age to search for birth defects, prior to surgery (neuter/spay) and to get a baseline for comparison as the pet ages.
  • Adult Dog / Cat Blood work: It is important to recheck lab work every 2-3 years as an adult to monitor organ function. It builds a stronger baseline for each pet and helps detect problems early.
  • Senior Dog / Cat Blood work: As pets become seniors, they can really start to age fast. The sooner we can catch a disease, the better chance we have of more successful management. We like to start doing more advanced blood work on the senior pets and repeat the test yearly. If a problem is diagnosed, then blood work may be needed more often to monitor management success.
  • Leuk/FIV Blood Test: FIV screening tests look for the presence of an immune response (antibodies) against the virus in a blood sample. Screening tests for FIV can be done in the clinic.
veterinarian with animals in little rock
Beige Blob

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